The Open Book Futures project is supported by a Governance Group, focused on assisting the project’s work towards achieving its deliverables and wider objectives. The Governance Group comprises colleagues from Lancaster University, the lead institution — including the Principal Investigator, Project Manager, and other senior colleagues — alongside colleagues who have experience of working on projects of a similar scale and addressing related issues, including around open research and higher education. The Governance Group meets on a quarterly basis.
We are very grateful to the following for kindly offering us their time and expertise as part of our Governance Group:
Margo Bargheer (State and University Library, Göttingen)
Janja Komljenovic (Lancaster University)
Katy Mason (Lancaster University)
Liz Simmonds (University of Cambridge)
Jeroen Sondervan (Open Science, NL)
Marco Tullney (Technische Informationsbibliothek, Hanover)
The Open Book Futures project is supported by an Advisory Board, whose role is to provide strategic input into the Open Book Future’s work, as well as to connect it to wider communities. The Board comprises colleagues working on questions and initiatives directly related to the Open Book Future’s project, with each Board member contributing a unique set of expertise and experience. The Advisory Board meets on a bi-annual basis, with meetings also including work package leads and representatives of consortium partners.
We are very grateful to benefit from the expert advice of our board members:
Tobe Amadi (Open University)
Emma Booth (University of Manchester)
Josiline Chigwada (University of South Africa)
Juan Felipe Cordoba Restrepo (Editorial de la Universidad del Rosario in Colombia)
Kim Fortun (University of California, Irvine)
Paula Kennedy (University of London Press)
Karen Hanson (Portico)
Josh Sendall (Leeds University)
Katherine Skinner (Invest in Open Infrastructure)